MT Foraker MT Hunter MT McKinley 17,400' 14,573' 20,320' McKinley Distance from Cabin 85.2 Miles Bearing 315 Degree’s Distance from Foraker to McKinley 29 statut![]()
Bill Resides with his wife Sarita, Tara (French Bulldog)and Casey (Bosyon Terrier Mix) in Chugiak Alaska. Bill has made Alaska his home since 1938. He met Sarita in Anchorage AK 1953 and married in Costa Mesa CA Jan 1956.
Daughter, Creta her husband Troy and grandson Colin live in Eagle River eight miles to the west of us.
Son, Charlie his wife Ren`e and our grandaughters, Charina, Cinda, Cara, Charnae and grandson Charles live in Peters Creek, three miles East of us. Granddaughter Amber Lives in ID.. Cinda gave us our first Great Granddaughter Nov, 2007 Naomee Marie.
Served in the USMC 4-54 to 4-57 position held Helicopter Crew Chief. Most all of working career was in aircraft maintenance, Last full time position was Aircraft Mechanic Supervisor for the Alaska Army National Guard. Retired in 1990 *S*. Worked part time from 1981 to 1997 as a Aircraft Maintenance Instructor for what is now University of Alaska Anchorage. Hard to call work as it was a lot of fun for me.
Certificated by the FAA, Mechanic Airframe & Powerplant/Inspection Authorization and Private Pilot Single Engine Land.