Family Pic's
Sarita & Bill

With Charlie & Creta

Charley & Creta

Sarita & Creta

Cox Tribe Picnic 08 04

Hecker Clan Picnic 08 04

All or our Grand Kids
Top to Bottom Amber, Charina, Cinda, Colin, Caralyn, Charles, Charnae

Sarita & Mother Jessie
Jessie Lea passed 2006

Sarita Jessie Creta

Aralyn____ Great Grands____ Naomee

2007 Charlie Cox Family's photo taken together before putting Cinda and baby on the plane a few hours later. Cinda (20) is the one on the right with the pink and black top and white pants. Rene is holding Cinda's little girl Naomee. Charnae is 14 and standing directly behind Rene , Charlie is holding Aralyn Charina's baby. Charina (21) is sitting to the left of him. Caralyn is 16 and right behind Charlie and charles is 14 and standing behind Charina. Family BBQ for Cind's going away. It was nice but sad.(She returned in Nov.)

Creta & Charlie in his Ranger

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